529 Dash Podcast 2: Executive Summary of ABLE Market Data
By Paul Curley, CFA | paul.curley@strategic-i.com | July 25, 2019On July 23, 2019, this short podcast on 1Q 2019 ABLE market data was created during a presentation to industry stakeholders.
Executive Summary: The goal of the presentation was to provide a brief update on ABLE adoption data. As of 1Q 2019, we collected data on 44 out of 44 active ABLE programs. As of the end of that quarter, there were 40,422 accounts investing approximately $224 million in assets. Based on data collected to date for 2Q 2019, this compares to an early estimate of 44,700 accounts investing an early estimate of $252 million in assets. This reflects an estimated increase of 10.5% in accounts and 12.5% in assets in the second quarter of 2019. This compares to the estimated eligible population of 8 million users, which translates to a 0.50% adoption rate as of 1Q 2019 and a 0.56% adoption rate as of 2Q 2019. Therefore ABLE accounts are opened and growing from a quantitative perspective, with opportunity for further growth from an adoption perspective. Other market data points of interest are included in the podcast.
Chart of ABLE Market Data from launch to 1Q 2019:

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Chart of ABLE Market Data from launch to 1Q 2019:

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2) Podbean: Link